
Tuesday, March 2, 2010,5:37 AM
1st post for March

Haha was too lazy to post for like half a month, but hey I'm posting now again! Was kinda sad we're out of the soccer tournament. No one to blame for it except my coach. I think he planned for us to lose from the start seriously he's the worst coach EVER! Haha but Im free now, no training and stuffs. But God has been kind to let me play for my school for all the matches this year. I'm satisfied. Now to focus on studies, maybe I shall join a club or just play tennis once a week to keep fit haha. School has been well too. Scored well for my first common test woohoo! Haha this year gotta give it my best shot! Sis going overseas on thursday, Im gonna miss her. Haha oh well when I'm free then I'll post again.

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010,6:43 AM
Happy CNY

Yay here comes the festive period! Happy Chinese New Year to all! :) Went back to Melacca to visit grandma, aunts and uncles! Was quite fun. Thank God that they are all still in good health! Went to Kbox at night with relatives until 2+ haha they sing relly really well! Came back to Singapore on tuesday. Oh didnt mention the massive traffic jam at the causeway on Saturday. Took 3hours to get through the Malaysia side! Haha anyway school starts today yay. Haha thank God for giving me the positive attitude. A.math taught differentiation with trigo ARGH! I cant understand trigo. How I wish I had listen to lessons last year. But fear not, I will conquer it. Practise as often as I can! Haha ok anyway gotta practise some now so cya!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010,6:04 AM

Hmm didnt post for some days. Just didnt feel like. Yesterday went to buy new boots haha! Soooo HAPPY! Last Saturday had HISTORY event organised by GMSS. Although it was quite short, I thank God for making the event successful. The ideas were quite unique and interesting! Made friends with my groupmates! Thank God for the fellowship. This weekend so unique! Its CNY/TDD/Valentines Day! I wish everyone will enjoy the long weekend!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Friday, February 5, 2010,7:33 AM
Time flies ZOOM

In a blink of an eye and another week have past. I dont know why this year time flies so fast. Thank God for the fruitful week. Won Bedok North 2-0 on wednesday to advance to the quarters. Thank God for guiding us there! Had A..math, physics and E.math test. Didnt do as well as expected for A.math and physics. Why cant I be less careless!!! Hopefully I will score full marks for my E.math test hehe :) Didnt go for cell today. ARGH my attendance for this year is 1/3! This cant continue! I need to have discipline to go for cell!! Haha alright gotta stop here. I think now I will probably post like twice every week. No time to post everyday hee.

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Monday, February 1, 2010,6:45 AM
Very tired

Thanks the Lord for this new week. Pray that this week will be great! Haha anyway my morning was kickstarted when I saw Manu's 3-1 humbling of Arsenal. Wanted to watch last night but after 3 days of having only 4 hours of sleep,I just couldnt stay awake. Thank God for letting them win :) Today morning had a boring speech by principal. Then had math. Argh I cant believe I was so careless in the test!! Sigh...After recess had free period, so did Chem tuition homework. After that went to slack before my match. Went to watch tennis. VS against ACSI(International). Haha we were owning man no kick. But tennis looks so fun I wanna play haha! Then went to TKSS at around 3.30pm. Haha saw some hot chicks in the canteen. Wanted to go talk to them, but must go prepare for match. Haha Wednesday last chance to get any numbers! Today's match didnt play well. Started as a RM, but later changed to CB. So long never play CB damn rusty :( But I thank the Lord for letting us win. I know you have planned out the whole tournament,you know who the winners will be. I know it wont be us, but we shall take one step at a time. Now at home,just finish packing for tomorrow. My legs are so tired. And I miss you. I really do :)

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Friday, January 29, 2010,8:52 AM
Time flies

Wow,in a blink of an eye and the week has come to an end. Thank God for this wonderful week. It was filled with ups and downs,but Im glad all's over. A brand new week starts soon - STUDY!! This week quite little homework was feeling abit bored, but next week have tests so hopefully will be more interesting. And with 2 matches still to play, will TKSS or us qualify to the next round. Cant forget about the match we lost. Our coach this year is CMI! Haha I'll just give my best on the field, the rest I shall trust into your hands, mighty Lord!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010,6:45 AM

Today s a fucked up day. Fucked up match. Ok we lost,but what happened after that is fucked up. WTF! Lol sorry too angry with some shit whom I dont even know. But thank God for letting me have some fun in class before the match during math and physics. ARGH I cant stop thinking about it. Fuck it fuck it fuck it!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

DOB 1994

God :)
Family :)
Friends :)
Soccer :)


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

-Longing for-
World peace
O levels get <10 points
Family have good health
Friends do well for exams
Go to church at least once a week
National top 4 for soccer


-Beyond just me-
  • Abigail Wong
  • Alicia Tay
  • Amos Lim
  • Darrel Chiang
  • Michelle Chua
  • Michelle Koh

  • -the past-
    January 2010
    February 2010
    March 2010

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