
Friday, January 29, 2010,8:52 AM
Time flies

Wow,in a blink of an eye and the week has come to an end. Thank God for this wonderful week. It was filled with ups and downs,but Im glad all's over. A brand new week starts soon - STUDY!! This week quite little homework was feeling abit bored, but next week have tests so hopefully will be more interesting. And with 2 matches still to play, will TKSS or us qualify to the next round. Cant forget about the match we lost. Our coach this year is CMI! Haha I'll just give my best on the field, the rest I shall trust into your hands, mighty Lord!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010,6:45 AM

Today s a fucked up day. Fucked up match. Ok we lost,but what happened after that is fucked up. WTF! Lol sorry too angry with some shit whom I dont even know. But thank God for letting me have some fun in class before the match during math and physics. ARGH I cant stop thinking about it. Fuck it fuck it fuck it!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010,6:49 AM
Wonderful day

Thanks for the wonderful day God! Was really tired yesterday due to the match. Didnt feel like waking up this morning. Dragged myself out of bed haha. The day started with english lessons, which were not so boring since we are tasked to write some essays. Chem was after that. Time really flies whle doing chem, which was good since I dont like it haha. But if I dont like it, I wont want to do it. So now I have to look at chem from anotehr perspective. SS after recess was not so bad, copying notes as usual. Last 2 periods of the day,CHINESE! Haha totally used the 2 periods to sleep. Went home after school because I have chem tuition homework. Had chem tuition from 7-9pm. Now doing math homework. Ahh so tired! Tomorrow have crucial match against Siglap! God bless VS :)

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Monday, January 25, 2010,7:21 AM
Thank God for the win

Its past my bedtime, so I'm gonna finish this quickly and catch some ZzZ. Today only need to pack for A.math because after recess can leave early for match! No chinese lessons muahaha. Didnt have my lunch due to my heavy recess. Went to change into jersey before heading to Tanjong Katong Sec. My new tights! It feels so nice wearing it hahaha. Was feeling kinda nervous on the bus because its the first match. I was surprised me and my friend didnt start. Coach says our fitness not high enough? Haha so Jeremy scored first for us,before 2 keeper errors allow them to score 2! 2-1?! Haha so the coach decided to put me and my friend in. 2nd half, we scored 2 goals to win the match 3-2! Haha teasing their supporters are fun! Thank God for answering to my half time prayer :) YOU'RE THE BEST! Next match on Wednesday. Another tough match against Siglap. Just finish tidying my room haha its so nice now :) Ok gotta sleep now its past 11pm!!!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Sunday, January 24, 2010,6:22 AM
School again tomorrow

Hmm didnt post last night because was watching soccer until 4am, very tired. Today woke up late, thus arrived late for sunday classes. Had Bay after that, kinda slack today because not really alot of people. Went to BK in Compasspoint after that for dinner. Then went to Hougang Mall to buy tights. Season starts tomorrow, playing a derby against close rivals TKSS. I believe we can win our season opener. I pray for my team, pray that God will show us the way through the tournament and give us unity and strength to last all the way. Was very happy this morning as Manchester United thumped Hull City 4-0, with all 4 goals coming from the best player in the world, WAYNE ROONEY! Ok all wish VS luck for the first match tomorrow!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Friday, January 22, 2010,7:43 AM

Thanks God for another wonderful day! Today was a slack day. Had 3 periods of EM, drawing graph. I dont like to use the curve ruler to draw, preferring the french curve. But I just cant draw properly with it! Then it was PE. It was raining cats and dogs in the morning, thus cant play soccer :( Went to record down our height and weight before going to the hall for badminton. I grew 1.5cm, praise the Lord! Haha! After recess had 3 periods of English. Apparently, KC had lost his voice, so he got another teacher to replace him. We were instructed to write a compo before leaving class. The titles were all weird, but I manage to think of a good idea for one of them, thus was able to finish it early. Training after school was at the field near Cityhall. Wasnt happy with my jersey number. 16! Argh what a weird number. But slowly, I realise that when you play, people dont look at your number but your skills. Haha thats the only reson I can use to console myself. Didnt expect YS to come coach for training, so demoralising, everytime pick on me, whats his problem. I didnt really want to do anything for training. I had a horrid time in training today, due to problems and partly of the heat. After training went to Manhatten Fish Market for dinner with some teammates. Went for cell after that. Haha I was early for my first cell of the year YAY! It still feels the same to me as the people there are the same as last year's. Ended at 10, got home, bathed. Now I have to finish reading my chinese book and homework before my tuition tomorrow...

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Thursday, January 21, 2010,7:03 AM
Wonderful day

Thanks God for once again giving me such a wonderful day! Today morning had Chem lab. Haha it was fun, doing 2 experiments for 3 periods. After I had done my experiment, I put 8 magnesium ribbon into sulphuric acid and collect hydrogen gas, and I thought I will have a big 'pop' with my lighted splint but I was disappointed. But it was still fun :) After that had free period. Touch up on my E and A.math homework until recess. Physics after recess. Tang was in super bitchy mode when Lizard man put staple bullets on her chair LOL. But after that incident, lesson went on as usual. Math was fun, because we can keep ourselves entertained with Chan. Haha his expressions never fail to amuse me. I think God have given me such a wonderful class, with so many weird characters. Training after school. TIRED. Ran for awhile at the start before doing attack vs defence. At the start didnt have good form,misplaced some passes and so on. But at the break I prayed to God,'Please let me score a goal and make me enjoy this training.' And guess what? I scored! Hahaha! Matthew 21:22 - If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Cant believe I'm still quite fast after ponning all the trainings in holiday,thank God! 1 Thess 5:18 - Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you. Headed home early because I have tuition at 7pm. Saw Abby in a different bus. Tuition from 7-9pm on A.math. Quite fun,learnt some new stuffs. Gonna pack my bag now. Tomorrow getting jerseys WOOHOO!!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010,5:47 AM

The day is gonna end,thank God for the wonderful day. This morning had SS and Physics before recess. My hand was so numb during recess because had to keep copying notes during this 2 periods. But thank God for changing my SS and Physics teachers this year, they are so much better, no offence to my last year's teachers. After recess, had A.math. Finished Quotient Rule and into the application. It was fun! Chinese at the end AGAIN. I was on the verge of ZzZzZ! But luckily, the lesson wan a breeze and ended in no time. Went home for my tuition today. After tuition, went to the gym. I saw a girl with so nice legs.She must have trained for a long time! Ok time to pack my bag for tomorrow! Training! Yes! Haha cant wait for tournament next monday. First match is the derby against TKSS!!! God bless us :)

>>and i live just for you my lord.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010,3:15 AM
First post!

Haha finally done with the blog after a few days of doing bits and pieces! Had nothing to do so just create a blog. Hmm and it looks kinda weird,because the right part of the blog is cut away...But oh wells :) Today was fine in school. Why must there be chinese on the last 2 periods of Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday!!! I feel so tired at the last 2 periods,and chinese just makes it worst argh! And I thought I have tuition today so I rushed home after school,and I just remembered that i change it to Wednesday. Damn! So in the end didnt go for the match against Bartley :( Went to Popular after I got home to get a new calculator and 3 pens. I dont know why,but my pens always seems to be short of ink. And come to think of it,I think I have forgotten to take my change! Ahhh how can I be so blur,forgot my tuition date and the change! Seriously wasted my time today. Luckily tomorrow have A.math, my favourite haha! I hate tuesdays, dont have A or E.math, but oh well,the day have ended! Cant wait for my tournament to start next week. Hmm when I have nothing to do, I will just tend to miss her. Haha better be busy,do more math!!!

>>and i live just for you my lord.

DOB 1994

God :)
Family :)
Friends :)
Soccer :)


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

-Longing for-
World peace
O levels get <10 points
Family have good health
Friends do well for exams
Go to church at least once a week
National top 4 for soccer


-Beyond just me-
  • Abigail Wong
  • Alicia Tay
  • Amos Lim
  • Darrel Chiang
  • Michelle Chua
  • Michelle Koh

  • -the past-
    January 2010
    February 2010
    March 2010

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